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bomb carrier造句

"bomb carrier"是什么意思  
  • Police have said they were investigating whether the bomb carrier was among the casualities Sunday.
  • Work began on converting the Vimy for the long flight, replacing the bomb carriers with extra petrol tanks.
  • On any turn, instead of moving, a player may say " Boom ! " and overturn his bomb carrier.
  • The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the bomb carrier's body was blown to pieces, hampering ongoing identification efforts.
  • Every 24 hours, Sadono makes encrypted phone calls to each of the bomb carriers to delay the release of the virus.
  • All pieces of either color on squares adjacent to the bomb carrier are removed from the game, as well as the bomb carrier itself.
  • All pieces of either color on squares adjacent to the bomb carrier are removed from the game, as well as the bomb carrier itself.
  • Police believe the bomb was accidentally detonated Sunday night near the Waldorf Hotel, and that the IRA's bomb carrier may have been among the victims.
  • If he were the bomb carrier, he would have been burned on his upper body, because " fire goes up, not down, " the lawyer asserted.
  • During World War II, Mills received authorised federal funding to use its industrial facilities to produce bomb carriers, directional antenna, hand control slip rings, and poppet valves.
  • It's difficult to see bomb carrier in a sentence. 用bomb carrier造句挺难的
  • A move to RAF Coltishall saw the squadron defend against enemy intruders and flying bomb carriers . whilst undertaking reconnaissance to locate the remainder of German shipping.
  • Meskini's lawyer, Roland Thau, said any statement his client made was " not a confession of his own involvement in the knowing transportation or assistance of a bomb carrier ."
  • Three days later, IRA bomb carrier Edward O'Brien, 21, blew himself up and wounded nine civilians when the briefcase bomb he was carrying detonated accidentally on a double-decker bus in the West End.
  • On Feb . 18, IRA bomb carrier Edward O'Brien, 21, accidentally blew himself up and wounded nine civilians when the briefcase bomb he was carrying detonated on a double-decker bus in the West End.
  • They discussed a planned operation in coded calls to Cyprus and Damascus : " oranges and apples " stood for'detonating devices'; " medicine and pasta " for'Semtex explosive'; and " auntie " for'the bomb carrier '.
  • The bomb carrier was supposed to get off at an intermediate stop but was not allowed to do so and died with the rest of the passengers when the plane exploded high over Niger en route to France.
  • The game is played using the standard chess pieces and men with a " bomb "  which can be " detonated " at any time, wiping out all men on surrounding squares along with the bomb carrier.
  • It was fitted with a bomb carrier for a Henschel Hs 293 glide bomb or a drop tank under each of the outer wings, and carried the appropriate " Kehl " series radio guidance and control transmitter system for the missile.
  • One Bristol T . B . 8 was fitted with a prismatic Bombsight in the front cockpit and a cylindrical bomb carrier in the lower forward fuselage, capable of carrying twelve 10 lb ( 4.5 kg ) bombs, which could be dropped singly or as a salvo as required.
  • This was a light night bomber, fitted with bomb carriers beneath the lower wing, to carry 50 or 100 kg ( 110 or 220 lbs ) bombs up to a total weight of 350 kg ( 771 lb ) and armed with ShKAS or DA machine guns in the observer's cockpit.
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